When is the right time to change your picture frame?

If you have never been to a picture framers in nyc, built a picture yourself, or even looked at picture framers in nyc online then you need to understand that the frame materials can change a picture drastically. When you walk into a custom shop you will see hundreds if not thousands of frame materials on the wall made by many different manufacturers. The only way you are going to know whether you like a frame is by bringing in the actual picture itself. You can then hold each picture framing materials to the picture itself to see how it will look once framed.

Modern frames come in all shapes, different picture framing materials and sizes. In many cases the best looking modern frames come with sleek lines and occasionally additional add-ons to the frame itself. Things like mini-mirrors attached to the frame itself can be considered a contemporary style. There are so many different modern picture framing materials that it is difficult to classify them all, but typically you will be looking for a frame that will compliment your photograph or painting with a modern twist.
Traditional frames and picture framing materials
Traditional ones also come in many shapes and styles. When you go into a museum you are typically looking at the museum quality picture framing. Think of the typical museum quality gold and wood as what you would typically expect to get when looking at a museum quality picture framing. The one nice thing about picking a traditional style is that it will never go out of style because people have been using these frames for hundreds of years. But if you are looking to frame a photograph then avoid traditional frames.
Large frames are going to be essential for large pictures or photographs. For instance, if your picture starts going above 18" by 18" then you should consider a larger frame. A small frame will look very out of place with your large picture. A little stick next to a huge picture is really not the look you are going for.
Small frames can be perfect for small photographs and pictures. You can usually save quite a bit of money on the smaller frames and they will look perfect on smaller pictures. Just keep in mind that artwork may require a large frame so if you have a $5000 small Picasso then you should consider a large museum quality frame.
Just because you got a recommendation from a custom framing shop does not mean that you still cannot buy the picture frame online. You usually can pick out a nearly identical frame online or sometimes they will even have the exact same frame that you saw in the store. You might want to give online retailers a chance as well.
